
Nov 23

The Reason Of Death – Ukrainian!

When you see the reason of death in historical documents as "Ukrainian", you think it is a mistake. But, in fact, it was a common record during Holodomor 1932-33 in Ukraine, and it is confirmed in many historical sources. When fulfilling Stalin's criminal order about extermination of Ukrainian peasantry, occasionally,... read more →
Nov 19
Feb 19

Genealogical Expertise

Genealogical expertise is a detailed study and analysis of genealogical data to confirm or refute familial connections, determine ancestry, verify the authenticity of documents, and address other aspects related to family lineage. This complex process involves various methods and techniques to achieve the most accurate results. Key Aspects of Genealogical... read more →
Jun 19

Chernivtsi Jewish Cemetery, 2017

And again, about Chernivtsi Jewish cemetery. Our last post about this cemetery was on the 29th of January 2016. We visited it again in April 2017. Among old Jewish burial plots, we found a memorial standing upon common grave, dedicated to 900 Jews of Chernivtsi that were killed by fascists... read more →
Nov 10

Free Preliminary Analysis

The First Step to Your Ancestry We aim to provide our clients with the best experience in genealogical research. Therefore, before starting any genealogical project, we offer a free preliminary analysis of the information you already have. This allows us to assess the feasibility of the research and prepare for... read more →